Improving Public Safety Through Anonymous Reporting in Municipalities

Posted 27.08.24 by:

A public safety officer is shown in a municipality.

Public safety is a concern for every municipality in North America today. Imagine living in a community where fear keeps doors locked and blinds drawn, where the sound of sirens is more common than the laughter of children playing outside. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many neighborhoods today across North America and the world at large. 

Crime rates are rising, and the public’s trust in law enforcement is waning. People witness suspicious activities or become aware of safety threats. Still, hesitation to report these incidents often stems from a fear of retaliation or a lack of anonymity. In this scenario, the power of anonymous reporting can transform the way we approach public safety.

Recent studies show a significant correlation between the implementation of reporting systems and reductions in crime rates. For instance, municipalities that have adopted community watch programs have seen drops in homicides, burglaries, and other violent crimes by 16% to 26% (1)

However, other studies suggest that the opposite is true for community watch programs, which pose little to no effect on crime reduction. (2). So, where do we turn? Perhaps the anonymity of a robust and straightforward public reporting system can change the tide.

So, how can more municipalities harness anonymous reporting’s potential to improve public safety? And what steps can we take to ensure these systems are effective, reliable, and secure? In this article, we will explore the vital role of anonymous reporting in modern public safety strategies, showcasing successful examples and practical insights that can help build safer, more connected communities.

The Current State of Public Safety in Municipalities in North America

A police detective stops pedestrians from entering a crime scene.

Public safety is a hot topic because it’s relevant to today’s societies worldwide. North America, namely Canada and the United States, has been facing a housing crisis and disparities between affordable and non-affordable housing for a number of years now, among other issues. 

Many cannot afford the high rates of housing, competition in the job market, or opioid addiction like that of the tragic fentanyl problem. There’s also been waning support for those with other issues like dementia or a past criminal record that can cause further strain on our social fabric.

Add up these issues, and you’ve got a boiling pot that can create conditions for poverty-induced crime and other such public safety concerns. Speaking of crime, let’s look at the numbers and see if we can identify any trends.

Crime Rate in Canada vs. the USA

2023 Canadian Crime Data

Crime Severity Index 
  • 80.5 (3)
  • Annual change up 2.1% from 2022. (3)
Police Reported Crime Rate
  • 5843/100K population (3)
  • Annual change up 2.5% from 2022 (3)

2022 United States Crime Data

Property Crime Rate
  • 1954.4/100K people in 2022 (2023 data not yet available) (4)
  • Annual change up by 22.1/100K people, from 1832.3/100K people in 2021. Previously, the (2012 to 2021) trend was fewer property crimes than the previous year for a 10-year trend.
Violent Crime Rate
  • 380.7/100K people in 2022 (2023 data not yet available) (4)
  • Annual change down by 6.3/100K people, from 387/100K people in 2021.  

Homicide Rate in Canada vs USA: A 20-Year Perspective

YearHomicide Rate in Canada (5)Homicide Rate in the USA (5)

Homicide Rate Highs & Lows 2000-2023

Crime rates are per 100,000 people.

Lowest Crime RateHighest Crime RateLowest Crime RateHighest Crime Rate
1.46 in 2013 (5)2.27 in 2022 (5)4.4 in 2014 (5)6.8 in 2022 (5)

To be clear, all of the above statistics are generalized over the entire country in question. If we look at municipalities in urban areas versus those in rural areas, we see significant differences in crime rates. However, they may not be the difference you might expect.

Rural vs Urban Municipal Region Crime Rates

In Canada, the crime rate in urban areas has historically been much lower than that of rural areas. For example, in 2021, the rural crime rate was higher than the urban rate by 43%. (6) 

In the United States, it seems the numbers tell us something quite different about crime in urban versus rural settings. In the US, data shows that in almost all types of crime that involve a victim, urban, the rate of victimization is almost always higher in urban settings. (7)

Crime is a significant contributor to public safety in general. As you can see, we are not on a substantial trend as of late. However, let’s take a look at how public reporting solutions have affected the most essential influencer on public safety: crime.

The Role of Anonymous Reporting in Enhancing Public Safety: By The Numbers 

A municipal citizen completes an anonymous reporting form on his smartphone.
USA – Crime Stoppers Current Statistics (8)Canada – Crime Stoppers Current Statistics (9)
Arrests Made1,092,106193,213
Cases Cleared1,683,358332,938
Rewards Paid$137,708,539$14,000,000
Property Recovered$2,405,299,539$552,000,000
Drugs Seized (Street Value)$8,841,585,533$3,900,000,000

As you can see from the numbers above, Crime Stoppers reporting systems have been quite effective at helping to close cases and reduce criminal activity. However, with the promise of a reward, people may often feel that they cannot call or report a public safety concern for fear of being identified by criminals, as partaking in a reward would mean identifying themselves.

Anonymous reporting, in the context of preventing crime and reducing other public safety concerns, is probably one of the best solutions for engaging communities to protect each other’s property and well-being.

However, the problem in the past is a lack of a robust reporting system. Typically, if a crime or other similarly nefarious act is taking place, the best thing to do is to call 911. However, in non-emergency scenarios or in situations where a person discovers a hazard that may not involve a police department, it can be downright frustrating trying to figure out who to call.

Then there’s the prospect of waiting on hold or dealing with a government worker who has had a bad day. Nothing in this non-emergency scenario helps members of the public to want to take part.

A new reporting method, one that doesn’t involve a phone call, is the way of the future. The technology involved is already in play. All municipalities need to do is tap into it. I’m talking about the smartphone and a robust app called 1st Reporting.

How Technology Facilitates Anonymous Reporting 

A citizen uses anonymous reporting on his smartphone to report public safety concerns in his municipality. Learn more about public reporting at

According to Stats Canada, in 2020, 96% of Canadians aged 15 to 44 own a smartphone. Furthermore, 87% of those aged 45 to 64 also owned a smartphone in the same year. (10)

Similarly, in the United States, Oberlo reported that 90% of Americans own a smartphone in 2024. (11)

We’ve established that the majority of citizens in North America own a smartphone. That is, they have a mobile and connected device that can run applications. Applications like 1st Reporting. 1st Reporting is a multi-featured mobile form management application that your municipal teams can use to report incidents, inspections, and other events on custom-managed forms.

However, the application also has a public reporting feature that enables app users to create custom forms and generate a link to the form, so the public only needs to go to the link to complete the form anonymously.

To be clear, you don’t have to make public reporting anonymous within the 1st Reporting application, as you have complete control over form customization. So, you could include a question like ‘Do you want us to follow up with you on your public safety concern?’ Your municipal citizens may find they want a response, in which case it is no longer anonymous.

However, as noted, the customization of forms in the 1st Reporting application enables you to choose whether you are anonymous or not. Or, you can give form contributors the option to report anonymously or leave their name and email or other contact information.

As we consider anonymity or non-anonymity, let’s consider some of the benefits of municipalities like yours offering anonymous public reporting.

Four Key Benefits of Anonymous Reporting for Municipalities 

Instituting an anonymous public reporting system for non-emergency public safety concerns can offer municipalities several benefits. Here’s a breakdown of some key advantages:

  1. Improved Community Safety:
Prevents Crime Before It Happens

Non-emergency concerns, such as suspicious behavior, property damage, or minor infractions, can be early indicators of more significant issues. Promptly addressing these concerns can prevent escalation into more serious crimes.

Quicker Resolution of Issues

Having real-time access to reports can enable authorities to respond more quickly to potential threats, addressing safety concerns before they develop into emergencies. Furthermore, establishing a connection with multiple municipal departments like road service, police, EMS, and waste management is easy with a scalable solution like 1st Reporting. Using custom teams and notifications, an automated public reporting system set up with 1st Reporting could work harmoniously across municipal departments, making response times faster and more effective.

  1. Enhanced Community Trust and Engagement:
Builds Trust in Authorities

When residents see their reports taken seriously and acted upon, trust in local government and law enforcement agencies increases. This transparency and responsiveness help bridge the gap between the community and authorities.

Empowers Residents

An anonymous reporting system empowers residents by giving them a voice in maintaining safety and fostering a sense of shared community responsibility for the well-being of others.

  1. Cost-Effective Crime Prevention:
Reduces the Burden on Emergency Services

By diverting non-emergency concerns from 911 and emergency response teams, municipalities can ensure that these critical resources are reserved for genuine emergencies. This method of segmenting public safety concern reporting can result in cost savings and more efficient resource allocation.

Focuses Law Enforcement Efforts

Information gathered from anonymous reports can help various municipal departments. For example, law enforcement agencies are empowered to more effectively target their patrols and interventions, concentrating efforts where they are most needed.

  1. Increased Perception of Safety:
Promotes a Sense of Security

Knowing that there is a reliable, anonymous way to report concerns can make residents feel safer and more secure, enhancing the overall quality of life in the community.

Reduces Fear of Retaliation

Anonymity can ease the fear of retaliation from reporting issues involving neighbors, acquaintances, or local businesses, encouraging residents to report even sensitive concerns.

Unlocking Safer Communities Through Empowered Reporting

A senior woman happily looks at her public safety report she completed anonymously on her smartphone.

Anonymous reporting is a powerful tool that allows municipalities to improve public safety by empowering residents to report concerns without fear of retaliation. With technology like the 1st Reporting app, municipalities can enhance response times, build trust, and allocate resources more effectively.

The real impact goes beyond numbers—it’s about creating communities where people feel safe and connected. By embracing anonymous reporting systems, municipalities like yours can build a sense of shared responsibility and pave the way for safer, more engaged neighborhoods. Are you ready to make a difference in your municipality? Try the 1st Reporting application today and find out how you can use it to make managing your municipal departments easier and your department communication more collaborative and inter-connected. 

Article Sources

  1. McMaster University. 2016. “Articles |McMaster Optimal Aging Portal.” Default. McMaster Optimal Aging Portal. 2016.,based%20on%20relative%20percentage%20change.&text=The%20meta%2Danalysis%20found%20that,between%2016%20and%2026%20percent..
  2. Holloway, Katy, Trevor Bennett, and David Farrington. 2013. “Crime Prevention Research Review Does Neighborhood Watch Reduce Crime?”
  3. Canada,. 2023. “The Daily — Police-Reported Crime Statistics in Canada, 2023.” 2023.
  4. 2024. 2024.
  5. “Canada and United States Homicide Rate 2023 | Statista.” 2023. Statista. Statista. 2023.
  6. Perreault, Samuel. 2023. “The Nature and Extent of Crime in the Rural Areas of the Canadian Provinces.” Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. February 20, 2023.
  8. “Total Stats – Crime Stoppers USA 1-800-222-TIPS.” 2022. 2022.
  9. “Statistics | CRIMESTOPPERS.” 2020. CRIMESTOPPERS . 2020.
  10. Canada,. 2023. “So Long Landline, Hello Smartphone – Statistics Canada.” 2023.
  11. Marino, Mike. 2023. “How Many Americans Have Smartphones? [Updated May 2024].” Oberlo. June 7, 2023.

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