Simplify your OSHA Record Keeping Procedures
With 1st you can greatly reduce the time it takes to report and manage your organizations safety and injury reports. Sign up today to get started!
Access from any device
With 1st you can access and report an OSHA 301 injury or illness form from any device at any time.
Whether its on site or in the office quick access to your incident forms ensures you don't leave out any important details.
Store and manage your reports in one system
Ditch the paper and make sure you have your reports available when you need them. 1st allows you to store all of your OSHA reports in one manageable interface and access your historical logs at any time.
Instantly generate your OSHA 300 and 300a reports
Forget sorting through a years worth of paperwork to try and organize your summary reports. 1st allows you to instantly generate OSHA 300 and 300a forms based on injuries reported throughout the year.
Extract the statistics you need to improve workplace health and safety.
Quickly extract your organizations data to view trends and reduce the risk of future injuries. 1st's flexible reporting engine allows you to build weekly and monthly reports giving you quicker access to the data that matters.