Reflecting upon the great inventions and innovations that have shaped business over the years, the printing press, for example, I can’t help but consider the advent of GPS (Global Positioning System) as a significant game changer.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an Earth orbital satellite-based navigation system. GPS started as a project of the US Department of Defense (first called Navstar) for military navigation but became available for civilian use in 1983.
GPS works by transmitting signals from satellites to a GPS receiver (like your smartphone) on Earth. By triangulating signals from at least four satellites, the receiver can determine its precise location regarding latitude, longitude, and altitude. GPS technology is foundational for a myriad of applications, ranging from navigation and mapping to advanced business and research functions.
Let’s consider just how much GPS technology has changed business and how its pivotal role in daily operations has enhanced efficiency exponentially. Further to that point, I will take you on a journey into GPS functionality for modern mobile reporting and how it can improve your business efficiency on a similar scale. Let’s dive right in.
The Rise of GPS in Business Operations
Traditionally, to complete reports in the field, service personnel would carry a clipboard with them. Furthermore, most persons in a service or mobile working environment would have to carry a binder or small file organizer to maintain a supply of documents required for their daily operations.
In fact, many companies still operate utilizing the very concept I just described. However, there’s a growing trend of companies and organizations worldwide who are adapting to a new process – using technologies like GPS and the devices that operate it to enhance business operations. Let’s take a look at some of the ways technologies like GPS are shaping modern businesses.
How GPS Shapes Modern Reporting
Modern reporting is going through a metamorphosis because of modern technology. Let’s consider some of the variables that drive this change.
Precision and Accessibility
In the not-so-distant past, we relied on maps printed on paper. You know, the ones that unfold and are challenging to look at inside a car. Consider the service or delivery drivers who had to use maps to get around. Now, consider the time to access that map and study the route. With modern GPS technology, we don’t even consider how it works, we just click or swipe, and you’ve got directions.
Operational Efficiency
I just mentioned how fast and accessible modern directions using our smart devices have become. Consider the operational efficiency that a GPS-driven platform has on an operation. Suppose a service person can just type the address into a device, and it spits out directions at lightning speed. In that case, the company instantly saves on labor costs to unfold a map, search for a location, and decide on a route – all completed in seconds with our smart devices.
Safety and Security
If you’ve got a fleet of service personnel who drive about all day, knowing their location means you’ve got their best interests in mind in case of an emergency.
Efficient Data-Driven Decision-Making
GPS provides granular data about locations. Correlating that data with a timeframe gives you a data-driven map of your team’s work locations and movement.
GPS can guide decision-making in real-time; for example, it can save dispatchers having to call out to each field person to determine their proximity to a new service dispatch.
Data-driven mobile and field personnel management is one of the most potent changes GPS has delivered. Let’s look at how one app is helping to mobilize field personnel and their daily procedure documentation using GPS (and a lot more modern technology).
The 1st Reporting App: GPS Functionality and Mobile Reporting

1st Reporting is a globally reaching mobile application organizations use to digitally document incidents, observations, and other information necessary for procedural reporting practices.
The 1st Reporting application provides a friendly and convenient user interface and a robust report customizer and document management platform using GPS.
1st Reporting uses GPS to aid in field personnel report management. The image above shows that three reports entered across New York State and Ontario, Canada, are easily discernible on the map screen.
GPS-Assisted Location Logging For Report Completion
One of the most efficient technology integrations is how 1st Reporting utilizes dynamic location capture as a document creation component. With the help of GPS signals, the application can pinpoint the location of report creation, assuming that the field was included when creating a custom report for use.
1st Reporting utilizes a robust GPS and map-integrated dashboard to see the location and report type for all reports completed within your organization’s account. The customizable map screen lets you easily and quickly find where team members completed each report type.
Customization and Efficiency: Taking Field Reporting to the Next Level
A robust reporting platform to complete incident reports, safety audits, site inspections, and other documents is critical for today’s industries. Whether you’re managing team members or contractors, you need a way for them to report back to you from the field – and having the GPS location identification built into the system makes that job exponentially easier.
Through customization, the 1st Reporting app drives efficient digital documentation processes for multiple industries, trades, and organizations. With GPS location services built into the platform’s framework, it becomes a powerful tool in your field team management toolbox.
The customization and efficiency of a digital reporting platform doesn’t stop there. The 1st Reporting app hosts dozens of the most common templates, pre-built and ready to go. You can use any of them, and using the custom builder, you can modify them to suit your particular needs.
Two other features really stood out when I first used the application. First, the app is easily usable when out of range of a signal. I took my smartphone camping and had no bars, so I was out of cell tower range, yet the app continued to work as expected. It stores the input information locally on the device until it can sync via a stable connection.
The second thing I found really useful was how I could disseminate new documents to my teams in the field with minimal effort. It’s not like the old days when I needed to route technicians back into the office to hand in paperwork and collect new or updated forms, work orders, whatever the case may be.
While we’re on the subject of highly convenient features, the other thing I like about the app, besides the GPS functionality, is that it utilizes cloud storage. That means your technician could be in the next state, and you’d still get their ‘paperwork’ nearly instantaneously in sync with the technician clicking submit on their mobile device.
Did I mention that the app has customizable notifications? It’s not enough that the app gets the location using GPS; it also allows you to customize notifications so the right person is notified when a report is submitted. It is a game-changer.
Conclusion: GPS Functionality and the Future of Incident and Field Reporting
In the digital age, where time and efficiency are paramount, GPS technology has seamlessly carved out a significant niche in modern business operations. Its transformative power is evident in how it has revolutionized traditional reporting systems, making the cumbersome and time-consuming processes of yesteryears seem archaic.
With applications like 1st Reporting, the essence of this transformation is magnified, taking field reporting to unprecedented heights.
GPS is no longer just a navigational tool; it’s a symbol of innovative progression. It provides real-time precision, safety, and data-driven decision-making capabilities, shaping how businesses operate and manage their mobile workforce.
When integrated with modern applications, GPS’ potential is amplified, facilitating operational excellence and effective communication, even in the most remote locations.
As businesses become more global and interconnected, reliance on GPS functionality will only grow. Whether for a delivery driver in New York or a field researcher in the Amazon rainforest, the marriage of GPS with modern reporting tools ensures that everyone can integrate into the larger business framework regardless of location.
The future of reporting is undeniably GPS-centric, positioning businesses for even greater success in an ever-evolving landscape. Is your business ready?